Integro Primitivo Puglia Organic

Meticulously crafted, full-bodied wine with hints of strawberries, raspberries, pepper, herbs. Perfect with tomato-based pasta, red meat and game.

Taste & Aroma | Red Fruits and Berries

Food Pairings | Pasta, Red Meat, Game.

Salento, Italy
OrganicVeganDrink NowCork
Full Bodied

2021 | 14.0% | 75.0 cl



This wine is the result of a meticulous process that starts with a grape harvest carried out in the early morning, when the grapes are at their freshest. After that, the grapes are carefully fermented at a temperature of 22-24°C for a period of 8 to 10 days, allowing the flavours to develop to their fullest potential. The outcome of this process is a wine that is perfectly balanced and full-bodied, with delicious hints of strawberries and raspberries, complemented by a subtle blend of pepper and herbs. pairs exceptionally well with tomato-based pasta dishes, as well as with red meat and game. Its rich and complex flavours and aromas make it an excellent choice for those special occasions when you want to impress your guests with something truly special.